Feast of Bellona - June 3rd

There might be an army beside, but as you stand facing death you are all alone. The trumpets shall blow any minute now, the sound of the horses thumping their feet echoes throughout and still you stand. You can feel the blood rushing to your face, your grip tightening on your sword and you wait. The trumpets sound, and a cry rushes from your mouth. A scream, a cry so loud everything else is muted in comparison and you march forward.
This cry that can scare an enemy and inspire courage in ones comrades is attributed to the Roman Goddess Bellona.  Extremly popular with Roman warriors she is variously described as the wife, sister or even daughter of Lord Mars. She is attired with serpent hair, war helmet, full armour and carries a torch and a whip. ‘ Blood, Fire and Famine’ are considered her handmaidens.
Bellona’s themes are protection, victory, communication and strength. Her symbols are swords (or athame) and spears.  She who kindles the fire of the sun and the fire in the bellies of warriors, Bellona is both a mother and a battle Goddess, the female equivalent of  Mars  with a distinct diplomatic twist. Those who call upon Bellona receive strategy, tactfulness and a keen sense of how to handle explosive situations effectively. Attributes we still desire as we fight through the battles of life.
The Latin word for War ‘ bellum’ is derived from her name. Her origins are probably Sabine (an ancient tribe from the lands north-east of Rome), and the Claudii , a Sabine family, are credited with instituting Her worship. Her temple was built in the Campus Maritus , the low-lying field by the Tiber consecrated to Mars, located outside of the city walls. The area around Her temple was considered to symbolize foreign soil, and there the Senate met with ambassadors, received victorious generals, and there war was officially declared. Besides Her temple was the Columna bellica , or war column, representing the boundary of Rome. To declare war a javelin was thrown over the column by one of the fetialis, a type of priest involved in diplomacy, and this act symbolized the attack on a foreign land.
She is described as loud and active, barking orders or war-cries, Her weapons clanging as She runs. She is credited with inspiring violence, starting wars, and goading soldiers into battle; Virgil described Her as carrying a bloodstained scourge or whip. She was believed to make wars and battles go well for those who invoked Her.
June 3rd, is considered the Feast of Bellona and let us invoke her blessings and grace as we wage through our daily battles, protecting us from not just our foes but also ourselves. Dedicating ourselves to her, May we invoke her using the following chant:
‘Bellona, see us as an implement of your magic, which as any, has two edges – for boon and bane. May only goodness flow through us, and may I ever remain aware of my responsibilities towards others and me. So be it.’


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