Mahalaya Amavas
Mahalaya Amavas Every moment, everything around us is a gift. The intelligence with which we live our lives, the knowledge to read, the knowhow of everything possible is but a gift. This very life that we live, is a gift. A gift from the ones who were before us. All those great men and women, who contributed for us being here. Be it science or the mystery of creation, human life changed the day man decided to live together. To give up his wanderings and to settle in a place called home. When emotions like love, harmony, trust and respect found their place and a family was made. The family , that we are proud of. The heritage that we take pride in - each of it is a gift. One we have to be eternally grateful for. The ancestors are the foundation of who we are, they are of us, and they once were where we are now Mahalaya Amavasya, the new moon falling in the Hindu Month of Bhadraprada is one such occa...